The 2019 16" Macbook Pro (You Don't Need It)

The 16-inch Macbook Pro

Just this week I purchased the brand new 16-inch Macbook pro for $2399 USD. The machine is a slightly redesigned version of the 15-inch from 2017-2019 (completely replacing that size in Apple’s lineup) with a few upgrades including new keyboard mechanics, redesigned speakers, designated escape and Touch ID keys, and of course, a 16” screen.

What I Like:

I instantly was drawn to the new keyboard as I have never been a fan of the low-travel in the newer Macbook. I played around with it in the store for just a minute and knew that I would like it. The keys have a slightly further travel, giving a more tactile feel and responsive clicks. I also was drawn to the designated escape key, a feature lacking in the previous model as the escape function was left in the laptop’s Touch Bar. The computer is a marked improvement on the previous model, in classic Apple fashion, with only a few minor but noticeable changes.

Why I Switched:

I have been working off of a 2012 13” Macbook with 8GB of memory and a Samsung Solid State Harddrive since 2013. This has been my only laptop for editing on the road (other than the Macbook I used while I worked at Duke). The machine has been with me for so long, I have just learned to deal with the long render times and lower screen resolution. After a recent trip to Colorado, I decided I finally needed to purchase a better laptop. I have been holding off for so long, and with a purchase of a 21-inch iMac earlier this year, I have been reluctant to get a new laptop. My thinking has been that since I spend the majority of my time at home at my desk, and I tend to have back and neck pain from bad posture on a laptop that I would make do with the old laptop for a while. With more and more work requiring editing away from my home office, it is finally time to say, “thank you” and “good bye” to my old system.

You Don’t Need the New Macbook

This next bit has been and always will be true, so please take it to heart. You don’t “need” the newest, best, most expensive piece of gear or technology. You don’t have to have a RED or ARRI camera to create powerful images. You don’t have to spend more money than the other guys to land the biggest clients. Even though I’ve just purchased the newest Macbook, I’ve been researching and planning on this for a few years; waiting on the moment when I knew it was right. I can confidently say that in all areas of your personal and professional life, you can make it without the “nicest” stuff a little longer. Growing up in a household that was forced to go without has made me grateful for times like this when I can actually buy what I want and need. The moment when the needs, the wants, and the resources for those things come together is something I am thankful for today.

This year I am more aware than most years of the heightened commercialism of the Holiday Season. As a professional content creator, I am bombarded with advertising from my favorite brands for new sales on gear that will help me do what I love. My advice to you as you deal with this in your life is to evaluate or yourself, and run away from all comparisons with other people or ideas of people. The happy shopper in the commercial is a character designed to make you think you need a product. Take inventory on your processes and choose for yourself what it is that you truly need. No matter what stage you’re at, the tools you use are never more important than you as a creator. Countless people are as talented as you and can buy the exact gear you have. Only you have the exact combination of personal and professional experience and skills that make you who you are. So today, be thankful for who you are, where you’re at, the tools you have, and where you’re going.


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